imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

She is in there for Best Supporting Actress :)

Even Leo?

So basically:

I bet the scalpers are going to be all over the Cleo-Cat-Tra esp since it’s no money now, payment with shipping.

I should have said sex ed is beneficial to BOTH women AND men. Not just one or the other.

Now playing

So I started out agreeing with you, but then over time I just...

Yes. I feel like I’ve been to weddings where they tried to throw it to a child. People are kind of weird.

You are very complimentary. Thank you bae.

Thank you Spice Girls references also help.

Are you saying Zayne was the Justin Timberlake of 1D? (Just need a translation so I can relate)

So the whole Bieber thing reminds me of high school where I learned after I graduated that all the popular preppy people were sleeping with each other. Like they would periodically swap and sleep with other people but all only within their group. I bet they all ended up with the same STDs.

I once caught a wedding bouquet at a friend’s wedding, my then boyfriend (now husband) stood behind me and yelled “THROW IT HERE”, the bride did, and I caught it. We were married the following year.

Really, your gif says it all. I have nothing further to add.

It is amazing what an unlimited budget can make happen for a couple’s wedding day.

Hmm. Confused Bernie Sanders.

Also this is what I’m imagining

Shady. Ugh. I’m assuming nothing much else happened right? he didn’t try to Bill Cosby her or something.

I’m thinking it’s a little bit of both. :)

I know, I kind of love her too. I don’t know why, if it’s because she’s just got such great bone structure or what. But somehow no matter how weird or obnoxious she gets, I still like her best of the NY housewives.

I really don’t understand why she didn’t charge him? (I mean she’s clearly trying to make up for that now.) But why get mad a guy for not being single YOU ARE BEING PAID TO SNUGGLE he didn’t ask you for your hand in marriage.