imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

LuAnn, I don’t think you’re embracing him enough - next time try for more of a choke hold to be sure he doesn’t get away.

Who is she.

Are gay and lesbian couples still allowed to get married in Kentucky?

Is this available retail? I would like to buy some for a *cough* friend.

Oh. That IS very creepy. Did he make her sign a nondisclosure agreement before he took her out? Why are there not more stories about this sort of thing!

This is good to know because I JUST SIGNED UP FOR HULU.

I think all of us are really.

So you definitely do not like this article at all.

Interesting. And yes I agree with you.

Yes, well one minute here and there is not a huge bid deal. Setting aside at least two hours. That’s very difficult.

LOL. He really isn’t but clearly everyone wants to give him this award because a bear got intimate with him and he looks really ugly. Or, they all want him to have a chance to continue his pussy posse. I don’t know.

Mark Ruffalo is completely loveable. I just want hug and kiss him when I see him on screen. I don’t know why.

I don’t know why, but this couple makes sense to me. Then again, so did Nick and Mariah for some reason.

True but then I feel like they made up and he tried to get Bieber to join his crew.

Ohhh. I did not realize. Thank you for the info.

You are definitely a creation of CGI.

Interesting. Thank you for your feedback on The Revenant. I really had no interest in seeing this, but I’m glad it’s still a good movie regardless of Leo. (Which most of his movies seem to be)

Absolutely, my table is always open to nice people. Please sit next to me.

Did you mean to respond to me because Tater is a Leo fan.