imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

No way there is a clear boob shot involving her with her head they didn’t CGI back then.

Yes I realize now after saying it a few times, that I don’t really like him but he really chooses his movies well and I like the movies he is in, but not because of him.

That is true. What I really mean is. He’s very fortunate in the movie’s he has chosen and I generally like the movies he has been in overall, but not because of him.

True, I would say, like Tom, it’s not him specifically I am enjoying it’s the movie overall. He has good taste in picking his roles but he still is unappealing to watch.

Also, thank you for saying please. I appreciate your politeness.

Honestly he is like Tom Cruise for me. I don’t really find him as a person appealing but I admittedly when I do watch them I find his movies entertaining and interesting. However I still just don’t want to watch them.

Yes, No one has ever chuckled at my assessment that his attempt to add Bieber to his posse was because he is hoping to maintain relevance with his target demographic and realizes they prob don’t know who he is anymore.

From the movie theater playing his movie? No problemo.

OMG HAHAHA That I had forgotten about.

I only liked him when he was on Growing Pains. As his fame increased and he became more full of himself, the less I liked him. He isn’t a bad actor, I just don’t like him and have no desire to make time to see him.

I’ll be honest. I do not like Leonardo DiCaprio.

But the Academy likes people who get all ugly and dirty their roles!

I understand what you mean. :)

Because they want MOOOOREEEE.

I listened for exactly 32 seconds. She talks like a New Jersey person on speed. (I may not be right it was just my first gut reaction and remember only for 32 seconds I couldn’t take it)

So I’m gonna looooooooove you. Like i’m gonna LOoooooooooose you.

RIGHT? I don’t blame her though. I mean I think I would too in her shoes.

I realize Bobby you already knew the answer to what defined their relationship.

Bobby, Corinne is so pretty and her boyfriend is so cute. I support their relationship and hope hollywood does not ruin it.

Miranda Kerr has very specific taste in men post Orlando. Billionaires only. i.e. she dated James Packer.