Hmm. A good point.
Hmm. A good point.
I mean, he didn’t get his own house on the Bush compound until recently. Clearly he enjoyed being close to his mother and everyone was cool with it until he decided to run for President.
Is this an Oedipal situation? Or something else?
This reminds me. I feel like I would make an excellent third string pro football player.
I have been all about revisiting my love for Mariah Carey this past week. Her beach photos only further validate my affection for her.
I feel I would probably wear all of this.
Remove the pictures and yes, I am on board.
I hope they also defined what “sex” is. Just in case people are unclear.
Why is it called Star Wars when no actual stars are fighting each other? Is it because they fight among the stars in their Alphabet wings and Destroyers?
Matthew McConaughey “gets turned on by food.”
Really? I feel like your hair looks really lovely.
I like the movie. And, sure why not.
Well you know. People have different priorities.
I think it’s about your comfort level, in my husband’s case he just decided one day he didn’t want to fight what nature was doing to him and just completely razored his hair off. It grows out a little bit like a couple millimeters before he wants to shave it off again.
So, does he have a security detail at school with him?
So, I’m a clock? Or, Melanie is a clock? Or you just felt bored today and decided I’ll get on that account I never use and say a random thing to this person to see what happens?
Same! Although my husband seems to be very serious about this. I don’t know. I will just keep telling him he’s so handsome and I love his perfect head and hopefully he will forget it.
Some ladies are very into the bald headed man look. I didn’t even talk to my husband until he shaved his head.
It seems to say there the average price is 8,000 yeesh.