
And this right here nullifies any reason to get the 3G model. Oh, and the fact that I will rarely take the Vita out of the house.

Looks like getting earplugs from tiny hipster pant pockets is rather difficult.

I Am Alive, Dark Souls in the modern age. Crushing loneliness with non-vital NPC encounters and enemies desperate to kill you. Oh and a stamina bar to add a bit of personal desperation to the mix. I can't wait, should be a good one.

I was hoping that they would walk away with their arms full of expensive stuff while only paying like 2 bucks because of all that speechcraft stuff. The magic battle was a little cringe worthy but not too cheesy.

I heard that Best Buy broadcasted the February launch because they have been hurting in pre-order sales lately and wanted to be the first available shop for pre-order.

This. Game companies don't make games with big breasted women because they are woefully ignorant of their effect on women or because they maliciously want to portray as vapid porn stars for... whatever reason. They do it because it sells to their largest demographic. If a company made a game specifically designed for

I think it is a terrible idea for "science" to have a logo or emblem. Then the idea of progressive thought and inquiry becomes just another "team" or "side" to be on, something those less inclined toward science can just lump shit that they don't like behind and say "Those damn Scientists are at it again!"

You are a lucky one. I am playing on PC and the game crashes all the time. A particularly persistent little shit-head of a bug involves me never being able to exit a cave or other internal structure. I walk out/open door and the game just freezes on the load screen. Well, not exactly freezes: the model still moves

I agree. I was never into fighting games but I watched EVO webcasts for hours a day because of the high energy gameplay and commentary. It is just exciting to watch even though I know nothing of the technical aspects of the game.

If they want to patch up holes in the game as soon as humanly possible to not allow what they consider exploiting, that is fine by me. They just want to clarify what the "rules" are. But the fact that Bioware and EA are banning people for exploiting bugs that THEY left in the game is what really infuriates me. They

This could not be more true.

It's a portable device, not a pocket device. Ain't no one promisin' that you can or should put it in your pocket.

I thoroughly enjoyed that. This video single handedly makes me want to get Saints Row 3.

Must not... expand pictures... while... at work... HNNNNNNNG.

In that case I hope you are ready to explain to 5 sets of loved ones why their whatever deserved to die while you stood and watched from your moral high ground of inaction. By seeing the situation and choosing NOT to flip the switch you are condemning the five pedestrians to their death. Don't try to justify your

You no take joke so good.

They don't store the dead animals in there, they put living animals in there to euthanize them. It is a big difference and, frankly, horrifying. A bullet to the brain sounds more humane. I wish I had told off the PETA brochure-pushers at my college while I had the chance.

Oh wow, KillerBee struck a nerve on that one. How can you proclaim that you have a right to choose to buy a service and then berate him for choosing NOT to buy the service. It's cool that you want to defend your purchase decisions but you can't call people morons for pointing of the service's flaws and choosing not to

I fully agree with the Master Quest idea, but the Fierce Deity stuff is bogus. What's the point of using "fully" it when you can only get it at the end of the game?

Upon closer inspection, you are indeed correct.