
An lo and behold the person who posted this was not assaulted. 

Are we really counting the minutes it takes DoorDash to respond to a customer service complaint? It’s not an ambulance, it’s DoorDash. They pay random people half of minimum wage to bring you Indian food when you’re sad. If you want to invent an imaginary standard of decent behavior for this dumb corporation that’s

It’s somewhat refreshing to get a quick reminder of how fucking stupid people can be here some times.

Yeah normally people who pose a threat to others are worried about offending people. /eyeroll

100%. What the fuck do people in this thread expect DoorDash to do? Firing this dude wouldn’t protect her, a response in 3 business hours is pretty fucking remarkably fast, all things considered. If she feels threatened, then calling the goddamn police is the right thing to do, there isn’t some elite pizza-themed

Sexual harassment is a police response, manhunt kind of thing now? He made no direct threats, if she feels unsafe, call the cops. DoorDash isn’t responsible for that. Are you fucking serious right now? The response by DD wasn’t even a day or two, it was 3 fucking business hours.

Still denying the obvious, HRC suipporter?

Are you serious? It’s been shown REALLY WELL how the Clinton campaign was running the show the entire time. I’m guessing you must be an HRC supporter, blaming the election on Russian hackers.

While I am not a fan of Trump, and did indeed vote for Clinton, the only group/place/thing to blame this on is Clinton herself.

clinton counted on the EC to win this. live by the sword, die by the sword.