

"Stop at the wrong corner and you're face-to-something with a guy who swears he's dressed as Ms. Pac-Man."

thanks for your opinions. i was already intrigued based off short videos, ive been looking to play a quirky game full of humor and audacity. SotD seems right up my alley :D

ok im gonna check it out . thanks for the replies guys!!!!!!!!!

i don't want o be ignorant to all this Minecraft love going on..... but i have to ask wtf is Minecraft, and why is it so special? ive seen in pictures it seems to be an ode to bit pixel art, which is cool with me.... but why does the word Minecarft cause internet boners?

i have the 5th Anniversary Collection which i bought for 20 bucks. if this comes out ill trade it in towards the HD remix.

i would walk barefoot across the sahara desert for RE ø - 4 GC games HD remix collection. i kept a GC just for those games, but i caved in and sold the GC way back when.



+1 for pants on the ground reference.... well played sir (^_^)

i agree with Afrit,

6- Ridge Racer

you are correct sir!

i feel you man...... i want the PS Vita with at least 4 games at launch. i hope they have a killer launch lineup.

Newsflash: My body, My Body is ready for PS Vita. HATERS GON HATE.

stop spreading the truth man. thx.

AT LAUNCH? there goes my first pre-order game for the Vita :D seriously this game caught my eye during the first NGP showing and im glad its shaping up nicely. it's looking like sony is taking advantage of the system's feature's nicely. Vita needs more quirky games like this. im hoping to get at least 4 games at

i want to reserve the Vita but im confused. if i get the Wifi only can i just add 3G subscription? im always near a wifi here in NYC so i dont think i will need the 3G.

it doesn't matter how sloppy the conference is or isn't. we didn't start buying consoles based on game convention presentations. we buy them for the games.