
im def reserving a PSV ASAP. :D im just dying to know what games will be there at launch

SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS. i will die RR fanboy, but will never touch unounded.... so Namco stay classy and keep this game in the universe of Ridge City, with a sweet intro including Reiko nad some kick ass tunes that have made RR such a staple..,, i hope this is out by launch date.


i agree. this was their weakest E3 in a long time... save for the PS Vita price. but the year is still young, and sony has more events to throw and attend before years end. unortunately games like FFVS13 and The Last Guardian,MGS Rising won't show till TGS.. but at least were gonna be busy for 2011 with the PS

same here dude. i have bought RR with my PS1,PS2,PS3, and PSP. i just pray this RR stays like RR we love and not that stupid americanization reboot they want to do.


249.99 is fucking sweet. im trying to convince myself t get the 3G version, i may just get the 249 because i am almost aways close to a wifi hotspot in NYC.

latin for life :)

i had to stop when the french reporter uttered the words "PILOTWINGS"


imho Nintendo steals E3 this year, unless..... Sony has some "out of nowhere, oh no you didn't" announcements like MGS1 being done with the newly anounced fox engine for PS3, ZOE3, of FF7 remake. and on the MS front perhaps the oft talked about Halo1 redux using halo reach tech, or a MS portable.

oh give me a damned break. if personal info was compromised all hell would be breaking loose on the internet. but good job comparing the compromise of 77 million psn accounts with a simple nintendo site hack.


wow i dont know whats weirder.... seeing hayabusa and starman mano a mano, or the fact that you miniturized the 3ds ?

it does not look elegant, unless they did something new don't know about. :/

they should do a faithful remix using the engine that made MGS2 and 3. i would be so happy with that.

i agree. its just i don't want crappy us box art. but honestly im just ranting... id buy the collection either way.

if that happens..... get ready for armageddon. im disconnecting my internet for a year if SE drops that bomb.. my internetz could get destroyed :D

Dear Sony......

this is how you save face in one fell swoop at E3...