
i ALWAYS use that costume. she looks so badass. too bad that cat outfit is so FAIL.

it would have been so genius. it would have been so nintendo. this game baffles the mind. lol

well there u have it folks. this is how the arcade genre is being rescued.... medallion games.

meh. its fail for me. i thought this was nintendo at it again making something new and awesome like a actual 4 player version of the wii title... and all it is is some medallion game.

where are the other entries? hard to follow that site. i want to see all the entries for this contest.

can we have this as her new costume for SSF4? ill gladly take this over that horrific cat suit she got in her latest DLC pack.

Now playing

oh and btw.... Snarf cameo... lol yes all is right with the world.

Panthro is in the show folks lol. just do a google search :) what im guessing is when Panthro eventually joins the group, the tech will come eventually to their side, since he was basically the groups tech-wiz in the old series.

holy crap that is some good info right there :)

hard act to follow... damn watching that intro gave me goosebumps :)

that video did no play , however i just watched Natalie Portman's funniest moments on David Letterman. pretty good stuff :)

damn this should be the intro to SSF4. oc course it would need some tweaking removing some offensive stuff like the part about weed and what have you, but seriously this is a million times better than what Cudi did.

his style is so pretentious in concept tbh. ive listened to all his work and sonically he's just not interesting. thats just me though. he can rap when he raps, but his singing is cringeworthy at times.

kid cudi is a mystery. how the hell did h get a contract. and i love all type of hiphop... Cudi needs to go away.

IGN messing around with Harry Potter? there will be blood.

i cant see it.. please ENHANCE.

yeah it sure was, but the funny thing is, shortly after they came out with converters that you would plug into the cartridge and then into the SNES.

i actually played this arcade back in the 80's. i'll never forget when my local 7-Eleven (miami springs FL) at the time got the machine. it was sitting right next to the Rygar Cabinet. me and my friends were intrigued by SF so of course we went to plunk down quarters. heres the funny part....

BOSS STATUS. ╭ᴖ_ᴖ╮<~~~~ manly tears of joy

omg if she does a fortune cosplay complete with a rail gun... i will pass out :)