
"Kung Lao throws his metal hat into the ground and it spins like a buzz saw. He grabs his prone opponent by the ankles and drags their body through the saw, explicitly slicing them vertically in half. Copious bloodspray is noted. Kung Lao holds up both halves of the corpse as blood pours out."

replace "Explicitly" with the word "TOASTY!!".

i do. read my statement above.

this concerns me greatly. my 7 yr old wants the 3DS BADLY and mostly because of 3D. and i know he wont obey these rules, plus he just got his first pair of glasses.....which he needed due to bad headaches from not being able to see from far. when a young child gets prescription glasses, their vision is super fragile.

finally a solutions oriented man. and u have mugen as ur avatar

"he's also teaming up with Bo and Ulf Andersson, the original founders of GRIN, to form an entirely new studio."

im sorry if i was a billionare, id pay to keep it in chinatown.

i feel you man

YO DAWG.... edit: holy crap he cut his hair!!!!!!

two games that need to be made....

that was so badass that Leo came back in ZOE2 with his own bad ass orbital frame, Gradius ship of all things. WHEREZ MAH ZOE3 SONY!?!!??!?!!?

NGP looks sexy. new interface not so sexy.

will be going to best buy to get coll. edition of mvc3. this tuesday. only ten bucks more and u get some nice extras.

tsk tsk..... hey hasbro re-release this bad boy. mine got lost moving from fl to ny back in the day.

ok, but damn they took out so many elements that made BCR1 win. read above.

"and took out some of the parts of the original BC that I enjoyed (i.e. traveling to safe zones, being able to move to any level, finding secret passages between levels, etc.)"

so what we have learned is... GRIN should have made BCR2. now im cautious about getting this game. "i am disappoint" is an understatement.

the biggest hurdle will be can the sell this thing at launch for $300.00. 250 is the asking price for the 3DS, and a 64GB iPod Touch goes for about 350.00.

i have a SF4 Ken pad and it is pure sex, are the SSF4 ones really a drop in quality? i hope not, i was looking to get a cammy pad (ps3). greatest fight pad in this gen of gaming. PDP has ZERO chance.

yeah i agree by the time Cap catches up with the avengers in the future movie, Tony Stark will prob have a badass suit waiting for him next to that shield in his lab.