Like, this was a serious “boomer moment” from Pelosi. A wild distraction - “flash” without substance. Missing the point.
Like, this was a serious “boomer moment” from Pelosi. A wild distraction - “flash” without substance. Missing the point.
You sir, are a traitor. That unarmed woman that was shot was a traitor. All of them were and need to be held accountable and punished accordingly.
When I lived in Maine, I would’ve looked past this in a heartbeat. Up there — today, where there’s freezing rain, then snow, expected — four-wheel drive is a welcome on-road safety feature.
This stretch of 95 is miserable even at 1AM in clear weather. So much of the traffic is local traffic because the sprawling development especially south of Woodbridge has no route alternates. Around Fredericksburg is terrible. I live closer to DC and I haven’t travelled south of Woodbridge in years because it’s just…
Prius swap. Because an EV conversion won't piss off enough people.
Considering how many kids inherit a minivan for their first car and can still get laid, I don’t think a goofy convertible is gonna set back those hormones too much.
“Your rights end where mine begin. You don’t get to tell me how I conduct myself,” Jenne said.
Isn’t this more of a feature, rather than a bug for GQP voters? I mean, none of the idiot repub voters have a college education either.
Komodo Dragons are not venomous, they DO however have a lot of really bad bacteria in their mouths and 2 glands that excrete a toxic protein that acts as a anticoagulant but not technically a venom in the traditional sense. Venom is generally something that is injected into the target via modified teeth like in a…
Come on now, have we verified that *all* of his personalities didn’t graduate from college?
A liar who didn’t attend college? Those are bona fides for today’s GQP.
Easy clicks for next year, Rob - schedule a monthly check-in on this ad.
For a minute there I thought it was a new Lexus
It is the right price. I mean, I wouldn’t, but it is priced for those that would. It isn’t falling for the usual trap of a cheap car that is too expensive to maintain afterwards. If you can’t afford the maintenance, then you can’t afford to buy it in the first place.
“Joe, I need you to calm down, first of all, OK?” Pletcher said. “Don’t say anything stupid because you’re just going to get arrested for it.”
You’re funny.