Zanzibar Buck Buck McFate

I dunno, but between this jamoke and Stephen Miller, I feel great about how I look at 37. Not to mention the fact that I feel great about myself because I’m not a horrible person.

I came here to say this. Carry on.

It’s Coppin State, not Copping.

7-4. Went to bed after they pulled Kershaw. I knew something crazy was going to happen, but at this point it was already 11pm Eastern.

Hahaha! Like that is going to matter. They *ARE* stupid; they’ll vote for the party of white power GOP again.

(202) 456-1414

The scary thing is that this actually seems imminent. I can absolutely see this happening.

the cashier Katie Orzehowski, who works at a Walmart in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Good. We should probably arrest more police officers.

You stole my avatar!

I agree and am also guilty of over-thinking The Lion Guard. My 2 year old loves it, and I find myself ALL THE TIME correcting all the little sh*t they get wrong. My wife just looks at me and reminds me gently to suspend disbelief; who cares that okapis and gorillas would never be found on the savanna? It’s talking

Speaking of random sports achievements that I get excited about that do not really matter, what’s your feeling on immaculate innings?

Thank you. I was hoping someone would bring that up.

you’d probably find Ben Mendelsohn singing some cheesy song from a musical just before we called action. 

Why the f*ck do you know that??? Did you perform experiments to determine this?

Another thing lost in this whole shit sandwich story is the $10K bail for driving on a suspended license. Granted, I do not know all circumstances, but in what world is this an appropriate amount?

This is my non sequitur: I’m no fan of Man U, but is Ibrahimovic ancient as well at 35?

I was going to take umbrage with your remark as someone who was raised tacky-ass-hillbilly-rube (Ohio roots, Maryland farm upbringing) but then I realized that literally none of my family voted for the cheetoh.