
Wait, was that the one where she kept asking the bear what it was doing there, because it was supposed to be asleep? Has to be one of my top five most replayed videos in history. I CRIED.

And said co-worker was a senior exec, ranking higher than her, and had his employment info clearly linked to the account where he was making these comments. She reported him. This looks like it’s a case of retaliation, so Juli’s about to get $$$$$

Her coworker posted something about “libtards” and did NOT get fired, so my guess is that workplace skews pretty conservative.

Why isn’t it funny? It’s hilarious.

CNN will be calling you a Tomato Terrorist and flashing up your worst TBT Inst pics before the day is out

But sometimes, black-ass shit happens to people who don’t happen to be black-ass people. Because while what makes you black is static, black-ass-shit-happening transcends race.It even transcends species.

Here, you can time it with this...

You’d actually be in the wrong if you had an opportunity to flip the bird or throw a tomato at anything related to Darth Cheeto, and you decided against it.

Time stamped vagina? lol gotta go bye

Kellyway always lookin like she just died a week ago and is being propped up with new clothes and makeup

Kellyanne loos like she’s had a hard ass life...Jesus!

Nawwwwww.. this mfer ain’t 32... I don’t care if his mama has a time stamp on her vagina from when his head popped out.. lmao

After reading your comment, I went back up to look at his forehead and damn. I’ve gotten this far by never looking at him wholly, if you will. Like I had an idea of what his face may look like, but have been successful at avoiding looking at his face in its entirety ... until today. Thank you.

What about Kellyanne? She’s only 50 - younger than Halle Berry, Viola Davis, Angela Bassett...and she looks like she was their high school principal.

I’m more concerned about those two breasts protruding out of his forehead.

I’m more concerned about those two breasts protruding out of his forehead. Will they still be covered for yearly mammograms if Obamacare is repealed? Has Darth Cheeto ever fondled them? Does he have to gets bras specially made to keep them nice and perky, sittin’ up top of his dome like that?