

…and don't get me wrong, of course I "like" the reviews – in fact they're the reason I started watching the show to begin with and the first place I check after an ep – just think that criticism should be based on actual show elements and would love to see a bit more oomph in the review. At least you're still doing

no prob, maybe for the final eps you could get a viewer to send you a version cut down to pure Banana scenes and you can do the review based on that… I'd pay to read it!

Sounds like a hip new slogan if I've ever heard one. No marketing dept. required.

The only thing that was "heavily signified" to anyone actually watching was that she was alive and (obviously) about to be saved with the info she'd left on her recordings. Just because a reader isn't into your misrepresentations, desire to be snarky, and opine about childhood stuff doesn't mean they're not welcome to

It has gotten nothing but B's on this site, except for one A.

…and with all of this calling her "useless," she clearly had some sort of breakthrough in the show's universe about using this stuff as a cure. What else is she supposed to be doing, chopping wood?

So, if someone is not "the hook" of the show, then they should be jettisoned? No supporting characters allowed lest they fail to entertain sufficiently?

Why would someone do that? Sounds like like there's some poignant story in there you want people to dig up/scrape off.

I think sites like this have made people a bit oversensitive to "main narratives" and "contributions." It's a wacky, b-grade horror-sci-fi romp, not some precious, important work of art. I can see rooting for one character or hating another, but all the pearl clutching about "this one isn't giving their due share to

OK… I get desperately wanting her to die (I guess… I mean, people are weird like that), but not any claims that it was somehow ambiguous. She survived and will be just fine.

It was explicitly explained that she was still alive, with perhaps "hours" left, and that Julia was working on saving her.

No. No. No. Yes.

…and don't get me wrong, I understand that it's pretty hard to come up with paragraphs of irrelevant tangents and riffs on things you liked from childhood before getting to the actual review, so I can see how watching the show would definitely get in the way of that.

Sorry, but are you sharting me? It was stated very clearly that she didn't die. Watching the episode is no longer a prereq for writing these?