
Yeah the bounty system added nothing of value in my opinion. It just interfered with what you were doing and was just an annoyance and if you chose to fight them then more just kept showing up and you kept killing them until you got sick of it. I don’t think I had that much of a problem with money, I think if my

I think that a version of it could exist that wasn’t so imbalanced, so I’m sad to see it go completely—it had potential if it were something that were extremely infrequent, rather than feeling like a GTA police star system with extra steps. But I’d rather see it go entirely than remain as it was, that’s for sure.

The only shape of Reese’s Cup is the cup. Everything else is a Reese’s Egg, a Reese’s Pumpkin, Reese’s Tree....

“Informed consent” is a medical proceeding. And lying about being married is hardly “coercion”, which has legal consequences - and no human adult has ever been convicted of lying about their marital status...

Tom Papa! (mostly)

Like Tom Joad... RATM covered the boss.

I think Springsteen’s Born in the USA must hold some kind of record for most misunderstood musical work.

Conservatives have had a long history of not getting music

As an alternative, you can sneak up on them (holding A) until they raise their front legs. Stop, & wait for them to relax. Then move in again until they raise up. Repeat until close enough to catch with the net.

i was interested in snack world because i loved fantasy life, and it looks similar, but it seems like it did away with the class system that made fantasy life so fun, and its just a straight dungeon crawler., so kind of holding off on it.

I’ve only played 2 and despite how UGLY the story is (dude says ‘bitch’ like really a lot??) the powers/weapons and world-traversal always felt fresh and cool through a good 20 hour playthrough!

Prototype is an absolute blast.

I’m playing it for the first time right now even though I’ve owned it since launch (long story), and I still think it’s quite lovely. There’s so much of it though. I’m towards the end of the main game and took a break to complete Hearts of Stone before taking out Eredin and seeing Ciri off.

I played the Witcher 3 for the first time last year! I had fun but it was a bit overwhelming at first. Glad I did before more years got on.

I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.

“Off the top of my head, say good-bye to ever pressing L3 or R3 again.”

Surprised not to see The Lighthouse or Booksmart on here. I’m sure they made some of the individual lists. Midsommar, Jojo Rabbit, and The Art of Self-Defense are my other favorites that didn’t make the cut.

Mad Max was probably one of my favorite open world games of this decade. The car upgrades were fun, the game itself didn’t overstay its welcome, and the photo mode was absolutely great.

All the quiet commentary about this game being a hidden gem inspired me to finally pick it up. It’s on the backlog but I want to try and get to it before the end of the year. So hat tip to you and other commenters - it is not in vain.

Mad Max was one of my favorite games this past decade. I’ve actually played through it a few times!