Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.
I learned from some article (maybe the WaPo one?) that because the President has broad power to declassify information, this is actually not a crime. It’s a clusterfuck, but not a crime.
Only 3 hours at a time? You must be a person without children. I envy you and sometimes miss my old life in the beforetimes.
I would have picked the 4th option in the poll: almost always handheld mode but never take it on the go.
Swear to God, “problematic” is a buzzword that I’ve come to loathe more with each passing day.
Exactly...exactly my thoughts. “holy shit HZD” then “holy shit BotW!” then “holy shit 2017!!?”
It’s great for Smash Bros and Zelda, but not for much else :P
It was just very comfortable. Perhaps me and my friends just had the exact right size hands to fit it but the Wavebird will always have a fond place in my memory.
There is a reason they made a Wii U smash adapter for these. I want to USB them into the computer next.
A satanic monster conceived that misbegotten ill-advised piece of shit.
It’s pretty incredible how BotW is, fundamentally, very similar in overall design to the original Assassin’s Creed (run around the countryside, climb towers, unlock maps, jump off, rinse, and repeat), but the task is infinitely more fun in BotW than in AC1, where it was just tedious.
The pioneer of the videogame bath scenes is David Cage of Quantiac Dream. He saw potential in having the player character seen taking showers or using the restroom.
Scalpers finally realized they’re not making much money anymore from reselling Switch.
This is Prey to the Gods?
If you rearrange the letters and leave out a lot of them and add an extra W, it says “I played for Washington in game two.”
That’s exactly what someone impersonating his twin brother on an NBA playoff team would say.