does anybody else feel like they're making these things all curvy and weirdy and unnecessarily bulky now just so they don't get sued by apple for making thin slabs.
does anybody else feel like they're making these things all curvy and weirdy and unnecessarily bulky now just so they don't get sued by apple for making thin slabs.
Who are these monkeys that come up with these brilliant ideas over at RIM?
We'll know the final auction numbers at the end, but i'm figuring they'll each go for thousands (if not more). Alot of people that grew up with BTTF that now have the money to spend on a pair to relive their childhoods, even if its jsut as collectors items. Maybe nike figured despite their low overheads, why not just…
wow i didn't know web apps could be so smooth. tried the scrolling left right up down etc its amazingly smooth!! I've used web apps before but they've always been slightly slower and cumbersome compared to native apps.
Ohhhhkay then. Just because a gizmodo writer felt cranky, I'm sure their marketing heads will stop using terms like Hd that sell since they resonate with the common consumer and bring them boat loads of money.
agreed agreed agreed and agreed 100% on everything. Glad someones thinking about this stuff. Combine the reduced access to good education (this is the first generation of americans less educated than their previous generation according to stats), dwindling infrastructure, and the growing gap between rich and poor, and…
shhhhh.....quiet....or you might shatter peoples false sense of security, sending their lives into an endless downward spiral of confusion and feelings of betrayal.
Compare Chinese copies from 10-15 years ago, to the copies they make today, and you'll see how indistinguishable the copies have become. They're becoming better at copying.
15 % of the US population is on food stamps with rampant increases in homelessness, and they want to build a whole city but not allow any people to live in it?? Capitalism at its best i guess.
dude thats some pretty good odds for someone that really wanted to hit the ISS.
I like your words of cautionary advice to not do anything stupid with it, but this thing worries the beejezuz out of me. The only comfort is that it costs $1,000, and thus priced out of range of your common garden variety moron.
What a judgmental bunch of bastard gizmodo commenters have turned into. Stolen things = bad, no question, but sometimes things are circumstantial. This kind of happened to me. I was a starving student in university, and by starving I really mean poor, broke, living in a 200$ room, no student loans since I was a…
I was definitely born yesterday so let me go look up fraud first.
i don't endorse individuals impersonating police officers, but this article seems to have a bit of a bias, atleast when it comes to the tone towards the SFPD and by extension Apple.
its not a purse, ITS A EUROPEAN!!
a BIT of wiggle room? all that pixelated icon left us with was wiggle room.
I don't see this wider and longer iphone 5 becoming a reality. Apple has picked the sweet spot for pocketable phones. Took a while for people to get used to carrying around a phone bigger than the candy bars and flips they were used to, and I personally have no interest in carrying around one of those droid sized…
Downside: None. They're already in the bad graces of Apple, never to be invited to another Apple event for life.
Oh how wrong I was about the future. Here I was thinking in 10-15 years we'll all have tiny little phones implanted in our button sized bluetooth headset that gave us all our information via a HUD or some kind of voice feature. Based on current trends though it seems very likely now that in 10 we'll all be holding up…
Is Samsung going to come up with tablets with screen sizes in 0.1 inch increments?? They make some good hardware, like the tab 10.1, but really do they need to crowd out their own devices by introducing a hundred different variations. Its a case of over abundance of choice, which just confuses consumers and drives…