I love iphone and apple rumours just as much as the next guy, but this is just getting ridiculous.
I love iphone and apple rumours just as much as the next guy, but this is just getting ridiculous.
I appreciate that sony is getting back into the game slightly and is designing these unique things, but in this case the uniqueness I think is misplaced. The lightness from the ipad is probably due to the screen, or more efficient component design, but nonetheless it IS lighter, and i'll assume fewer/smaller…
Other than the censorship, doesn't the US also indulge in a phone tap here and a bit of spying there on its citizenships. From what I hear the US also has these same systems setup. Should we now be waiting for another hypocritically virtuous country to bomb us using as excuses these obvious infractions of freedom of…
And beyonce, I want you to feel the foot that's growing inside my boot.
That (fake?) picture just convinced me to vote for palin in 2012. screw doing the right thing....I want sexy times in the white house..
tacky? tacky would be a pink watch set with shiny diamonds all around and a picture of paris hilton on the dial. This? This is something my dog threw up.
I will express my personal opinion on this at the risk of getting banned, because I think something like this definitely deserves to be called out. This article is a copout. Its a holier-than-thou piece of writing that is ultimately still capitalizing on the event that it seems to abhor.
thank you gizmodo for giving us something a bit more balanced than yesterdays "steve jobs invented EVERYTHING" article. While the products mentioned are the same, this article is great as it mentions how apple changed things for the better, appealed to the typical consumer and made things more popular by making them…
"You're then ensconced by ultrafine no-see-um mesh, which to keeps the bugs off but grants a clear clear view of your surroundings. Above, a giant rainfly keeps you dry and below, you a nylon base reflects back your body heat."
So questions for those familiar with the system:
better is a very relative term. It sometimes helps to be a bit empathetic and figure out where other people are coming from. I used to have a $3000 sony tx, people were confused as to why I had it, when there were computers for 800$ that were so much faster and more bang for the buck. But for me the tx was amazing, as…
Can we have an opposite day, where writers could actually get banned?? Guess whod be first to go.
I think the problem is its just become easier for people to end arguments and claim superiority by just calling out the other party as a fanboy. It shows a certain lack of intellectual capacity in todays internet users, akin to name calling in school.
Look, i admire steve jobs, and apple, and can see how much he has contributed to the industry. I own all of the category killers apple has, not because i'm a fanboy, but because these products truly have made my life easier and were there for what specifically i wanted to do at that time.
I dont think I have a least favourite apple thing, after all I never used any of the things you mentioned. but i do think all of them had a place in the evolution of apples products. And I think the great thing about apple is it doesn't just abandon products, it learns from them and makes sure they don't make the…
Can't really gauge a market by after market numbers since there's hardly enough volume to get a consensus and the spreads are out of whack. It might be down tomorrow, or just as much or not at all, just that aftermarket data is usually a bit exaggerated.
I agree partially. There's n army of designers and engineers and markets supporting him, and an army designing prototypes and presenting ideas. But you always need a great leader to know which ones are the right ideas. How to implement them. And most importantly what sounds like a great idea but is not able to…
I can see how the strategy to saturate the market by providing something for every segment of the market may work up till a certain point, but at some point doesn't the law of diminishing returns kick in. Yeah it's only 4-6 phone segments technically, but I'm sure they will have many many in each segment. One of the…
Yeah i remember reading about it, but apart from opening my mac pro to upgrade ram, i'd never felt the need to open up any of my idevices. I'm sure people have reasons for doing it, and maybe if i held onto my iphone long enough for it to need battery replacement that apple no longer covered I might feel the need, but…
I certainly hope that MS stores would provide that same level of experience. Even apple stores didnt pop up in every nook and cranny overnight, so the ease i talk about once upon a time wasn't available to anyone that didnt live so close to a store as I did.