
yes i agree, similar to rectangular tablets, the connector is also a flat small connection and probably fit what samsung wanted to do, but samsung doesn't use that connector on any of their other products as far as i know, so why now. also, why not then standardize it to apples so I can use my iproduct cables with

I did not know that! I thought it was apples proprietary connector, which is why you had to pay apple a license fee if you wanted to make an accessory that used that connector. Or does it not work that way?

I just got a galaxy tab 10.1, and yes, there are some user interface metaphors that are blatant copies of ios. Unlock screen, apps, etc. On the hardware front, I really didn't care if samsung made a tablet that was rectangular, same as apples. Yeah, not particularly inventive, but someone always "invents" a category,

Another aspect that goes by unmentioned alot in terms of reliability is the apple customer support. Everybody is copying apple designs, apple software, or the apple way generally, but one thing i think they either don't think needs replication, or is not easy to replicate, is the apple store experience and customer

Once upon a time Nokia represented that finish simplicity and minimalism in design, which it still does to an extent, but the software is the exact opposite. I don't think nokia simply using windows phone 7 will be enough to pry me away from my beloved iphone. But if they come up with a phone that is absolutely sexy,

"Earthquakes don't scare me. Jesus speaks to me through our planet. Sometimes when I walk on the beach, I fantasize about tsunamis of blood." Michaelle bachman

i think its a keep your friends close and enemies closer type situation.

I'm assuming the dock is not a separate buy but comes packaged with this. In that case you also have to look at the utility of having a blue-ray drive(probably worth 200-300 for those that need it), and a separate full fledge graphics card (assuming its actually better than the ones the current apple line comes with),

if its an imac redesign, you can be quite assured there will be a touch component to it, if not this generation then definitely very very soon. Yeah it tiring if you had to use a vertical screen as a touch panel, which is why i think part of the redesign might be some kind of easy swivel system, kind of i THINK how HP

i coincidentally found out about it at 8 am when i woke up and checked the news on saturday morning. Got to my staples within an hour for when they open, wasn't going to wait around in line for it, and they were gone like the wind. Makes me wonder who these people are and what hoops they'll jump through for a deal.

i think the 1 was march 2010, 2 was march/april 2011, and so it made sense the next one at the EARLIEST would be 2012 but probably will stick to 12 month. At some point the rumour mongering just got to me though, where everyone was claiming there would be a new ipad 3 with retina display in september 2011.

technically if he got those patents, he might sue other manufacturers for selling shirts that imitate apple products since there is one hole to put the head through, and two smaller holes to put hands through. Or a thing with two right things you put infront of your eyes.

waitadamnsecondhere....I'm wearing jeans and a black shirt today...and...oh. my. god. I happen to like apple. Am I.... steve jobs???!!!!

well we could have saved ourselves countless numbers of reading tall tales and rumour mongering if we had all just realized the un-appleness of the idea that apple will release something, then release something far superior to it within 4-6 months.

While technically the buy low sell high mentality would certainly lend itself to this, the good traders never hold onto losers hoping they get better, rather they sell, fearing they will get worst. On the flip side, alot of normal investors will get out of stock too early after they've made a bit of money. Good

certainly in SOME cases, but generally you have to be aware of value traps. Its like RIMM going from 80 to 60, people thinking its cheap, then goes to 40, people buy again because they think its cheap, and now its at 26. Examples abound in the world of finance.

"Future LCDs Panels Will Use Its Own Light to Creat Only Use Energy, But It"

Yes, everyone does seem to be on his ass, but thats the cost of being president. Which is why, more than anything, you won't see some run of the mill guy, who actually represents the people be president, but always someone who is taught in the specific art of politics, so he can either reach compromises, or be thick

well the google maps thing might be a bit too complicated to expect these companies to implement, but the other idea is genius. Check in check out, and online you can see how many appointments are ahead of you. They don't even have to estimate time for me, which i can do myself, as long as they tell me how many people

Atleast you guys have a 4 hour window and the dude actually shows up. I'm with rogers in Canada, and while they've ultimately narrow their windows from 8 hours to 4, in my experience in most cases they haven't even shown up that day, let alone late. Out of the 8-10 times i've had them come in due to a new