
maybe its one of those semi transparent sheets of paper? Since the 2nd square its moved to is black, it seems black. but when over the first one, since the base is white it seems white. BUT again this only holds true if you assume that the actual tile on square 1 (white) (The one below the sheet she moves) is white,

I think this is a ridiculous policy. Police and firemen generally have high rates of false alarms, and the whole point of having these is to minimize any potential damage. I believe its a type A error in statistics, you would rather respond to a false alarm when their is no alarm, than not respond (on time) to an

you invade a sovereign country, and now you're upset that they got access to something you left there?

I for one would move to south korea for this. As much as i love the summer and the sun, i can't stand sitting on a patio or the beach in direct sunlight for more than 10 minutes. Alot of people go outside to enjoy the scenery and the water, without the tanning obsession that americans seem to have developed.

You know how there was that Norway killer, who was embarking on a killing spree and had his agenda and maidens to in a word document and mostly everyone said he must be a sociopath for so blatantly cruelly and coldly laying out his agenda like this? Well I'm pretty sure IM not a sociopath, but the person who wrote

awwwwww is that a plain vanilla breed or an American bobcat or something?

I think the flip side of this is that it protects everyone from predatory people, or jerks, or whatever, who take advantage of the anonymity the Internet provides.. Such as those preying on the young and innocent. Or just in general do douchy behavior because they think they can get away with it.

what happens when a new version of android comes out? is the world of android custom skins still the same where it will come out for "clean" google devices first, and samsung will take its own sweet time to send out the update? Or since samsung can send out touchwiz ui update separately, will we get update from google

Like i said in the response above, yes, 100% the parents responsibility, and yes, its difficult to define right and wrong in fringe cases, and me neither the school should have a right to intervene or call someones parenting wrong. All i'm saying is that there still needs to be some code of conduct since the school,

principally, i agree with you. Not the schools role to intervene to this extent. But what if they were smoking pot off campus (And i have nothing against pot really, but theres a time for it, and thats college) or some subvertive disruptive activities, and the parents did nothing about it? Wouldn't you as the school

well in this case, the kids took the pictures, some unrelated parent reported them to school, school took action, kids apologized to a committee, BUT the parents actually took this to court saying the school had no business to interfere with this. In this case, the parents didn't care (atleast to the extent that they

the linked article says some parent reported them to the school because it was causing "divisiveness" in the volleball team

If anything, I would think schools would have the authority to discipline students, short of beatings ofcourse, in order to enforce a code of conduct, without infringing on somebodies first amendment rights. What about uniforms in schools? Aren't they infringing on your right to freely express yourself in the clothes