
You have to realize first that many things regulated by a big organization in this country are corrupt and not thorough. Yes the organic label has attracted a lot of ignorant people who’s only interest is to feel better than other people. Organic branded food is often gimmicky. But to say that the only reason people

You will be happy to know I witnessed CARTS of perfectly good organic food being thrown away into LOCKED dumpsters daily cooking at Whole Foods.

The AV Club has become a completely judgemental shithole, hasnt it? Is there a safe place for anyone these days? I cant walk out my front door without being ridiculed for something.

You sir deserve all the stars.

My takeaway? Forcing people to look at pictures of apples turns them into pricks.

Yeah, I don’t understand anything about this “experiment”.

They literally failed to do an apples-to-apples comparison.

How unbelievably clueless can you be? This is the most poorly researched ‘piece of writing’ I have ever encountered. (Props on the clickbait headline tho). Organic is about reducing the pesticides and chemical fertilizers leeching into our waterways, and our food sources. Organic is about respecting the planet, and

[P]eople who were given pictures of apples labeled “organic” to look at proved much more judgmental and condemning of others when asked to make moral judgments about behavior, versus people who had been shown pictures of comfort foods. When those same groups of people were asked to volunteer a few minutes of their