Zane Dodds

Trump and his supporters have a whole other idea about 'spooks' and what scares them. And they're more likely to burn books than read them.

Just thanking the two idiots who helped me land a solid writing gig because of this particular line of commenting. You're one of them, so thanks.

Interestingly, it appears I've turned some heads with this line of commenting. Landed another writing gig. Thanks, bud!

Sorry, this makes little sense to me. Did you accidentally wander into an adult discussion? Actually, it's the other way around, now that see where I am. I entered a schoolyard spat. Carry on.

And in your mind listing my website beside my name is equivalent to casually expropriating a national tragedy for the sake of a soundbite.

I believe we're at an impasse and I tip my hat to a good debater. However, now you're asking me to believe DC was, in this context, as thoughtful as you. I don't. I think he was irresponsible and self-serving. I still love him, though.

Stalin or no, you're reasoning is fallacious. He is not absolved on the basis of personal pain (or that he's a comedian) from equating the death of a single person of distinction with the death of thousands of "nobodies." In lifting the one up he diminishes the other. It isn't right, and it's cheap publicity.

Um… yeah. The comment was about what he said when he was "riffing," the fact that he was riffing isn't in dispute. Thanks for the contribution anyway.

Another example of someone with a platform casually comparing their feelings of personal loss with a national tragedy involving the destruction of thousands of lives. Disappointing coming from DC. To lump race in there (which Prince always transcended) smacks of a self-serving agenda, which is obviously working out