
obviously if there weren’t quotas all of these browns and gays wouldn’t make it. the teams would be full of the superior anglo-saxon athlete, the way god intended.

I bet The Slippery Slope would make a pretty good name for a winter game themed gay bar.

So when Pence said he would never have dinner with a woman who is not his wife, he was being truthful.

Rick Curl, founder of Curl-Burke (CUBU) Swim Club, which produced many Olympians was a pedo/rapist. He stepped down from Curl-Burke, the organization’s name changed to Nation’s Capital Swim Club (NCAP) and has expanded over the years. NCAP is now the premier swim club in the DC area, which is rich in swimming talent

Stop being so littoral.

The Caspian, now that’s a good sea. A great sea, a bigly sea.

Probably conceded the South China Sea. Which really, we never wanted. It’s the worst sea. Everyone knows this.

It is possible, just possible, that Trump gave up nothing of consequence, and that the call went something like this (In normal speak, not Trump-speak):

The funniest thing about this is that there’s 100x more evidence to suspend zeke than there ever was to suspend Brady- whose 4 game suspension (over a goddamn phone lol) Jerry was soooooo stoked on. Eat shit Jerry. Actually go eat that shitty Papa John’s pizza while youfuck yourself with the American flag.

Of course, Jones would be the driving force behind Papa John’s butthurt. That unoriginal boob shilling his assault on the senses he calls pizza couldn’t have thunk that up all on his own.

This is the first time in my life I’ve rooted for canabalism.

He’s whipping out his enormous penis for the troops. That should be pretty obvious.

That time that local sports news broadcast aired the Cubs bear dong remains my favorite memory of Deadspin.

Talk about a lack of respect. In my day we didn’t just get semis for the military.

As a Creighton graduate, I’m ashamed of Coach McDermott, Jim Berscheidt, & anyone who attempts defends them. It’s revolting how much hard work these people will do in order to justify something so horrifying. Lauren Ward & Meredith Lierk are absolutely right and conducted themselves in professional way — providing

Take you +1 and get out of my sight

Your an asshole that’s not funny at all

Premiering next Sunday after NFL on NBC, a new series from Dick Wolf, “NFL Law and Order”

So, so many pics of old man balls are in some intern’s future.