
I’d argue women might actually be *worse* perpetrators of this trend than men.

Personally, I like to wear [nobody cares] to the gym. I’ve found that it works great for me when I’m doing my workout of [nobody cares].

You seem to be confused, we didn’t use this image in the post.


Neaux Tigers 😿🐊

A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

I read that his name was Grayson and was unsurprised by his take.

La Decisione!

These women - Lili Bernard, Jewel Allison - they are fucking warriors. They are the ones we need to teach our sons and daughters about. The courage, compassion, strength and LOVE of these women in the face of such disgusting injustice and disrespect will be something I’ll never forget.

Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.

He has confessed in a secular confessional to betraying the trust of his wife, and perhaps of the women who considered him a mentor before he moved them to another spot on the sliding scale of human interaction

Can we agree that the topheavy margarita glass\martini glass is an awful design? I feel like they designed it knowing that there would be a good chance that the drinker would knock it over, thus needing to buy more booze.

My old tennis coach would tell me to smile or keep my head up at the end of the match, it makes it so that you try to finish positively. If you look beat/defeated, it’s a lot easier to let your opponent know to push harder to finish you off. Also, he’s treating her like a child because she’s acting like one... Maybe

“I have to download my spectacles”

watching a second stringer like todd bow out like that really shows me that commitment isn’t something in his quiver.

Shut the fuck up.

“Now on 5 hours a day, it’s ‘Shouty and Squinty’, where Stephen A. shouts, and Darren squints blankly into the abyss!”

So will Stephen A. Smith

The actual issue is that the ND legislature has, for 10 years, continually cut taxes to out of state energy companies, primarily oil extraction, and what they did collect they put into very hard to access trust funds. Now that oil prices are down and production of new wells has largely stopped, the state has a fake