
Then they pull out the “Women should support female-owned businesses!”

Sorry, the team you were looking for in your example was the Cowboys. The Cowboys.

My favorite part is that this is the only thing he admits to. Because, you know, insulting women is a totally innocent everyday activity.

Yadi’s got some lofty expectations based on my experience watching Mexican baseball.

Are you gonna pay for that?

Maybe they should just wall off certain sections.

The automatic suspension is for the red card, not necessarily for the offense. Violent conduct usually results in extra games, as does doing anything to the officials.

I am aware—lifelong State fan. “The mountaintop,” as it relates to the perceived goals of the N.C. State athletics department, isn’t just a national title, though, it’s also consistent regular-season success in the ACC. NC State has made clear that it wants to be on the level of Duke/UNC and cease the 2-3 (or 5) year


Fuck them both.

“Around one in five Americans admit to having peed in a swimming pools at least once.”

This looks like a more complex/choreograhped version of “prison ball” that we played at my (American) middle school. If you get hit by the ball, you go behind the other team (to the “prison”) and can attack from that side of the court if the ball happens to make its way back to you. It never occurred to me to

NFL doctors agree the two men are not suffering from concussions.

Don’t forget, this is the same AD, Debbie Yow, who publicly said at Gottfried’s press conference that the only reason she hired him was because Gary Williams scared away the coaches she really wanted.

As is also an NC State tradition, we will spend the next 6 weeks discussing coaching candidates that we have no prayer of landing. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL FINALLY ENTICE MARK FEW TO COACH BIG BOY BASKETBALL!!

Well considering how difficult it was to buy Lemonade thanks to bullshit Tidal exclusivity, that’s not hard to believe. It also hasn’t been release on vinyl yet.

I will never forgive my parents for raising me as a State fan. Yeah they got the David Thompson and Valvano years and here I am stuck with turd after turd.

Thank you for this, Nick. I really mean that. I wondered last night if I was overreacting, oversimplifying or imagining that State sure as fuck will ball up its fist for Duke and UNC, or any ranked team, and then shit the bed against everyone else the next day. They’ve been doing it ever since the Les Robinson years.

That sounds amazing. On the same note, I haven’t heard a good bad beat poker story in years.

Actually, colleges fail at teaching ANY student financial literacy.