
My point is the comparison is false because its apples to oranges. The game systems could not be more dissimilar, but there’s this concerted effort among games media to insist that turn-based games are dead despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The idea that they can both exist and thrive seems never to

“Gone are the menus and separate battle screens of previous Final Fantasys, replaced by a faster-paced system that makes its predecessors’ turn-based combat feel downright pokey by comparison.”

*Sigh*, this false-dichotomy that reviewers have started spouting when it comes to turn-based stuff is really tiresome.


I don’t enjoy competitive multiplayer fps games. How’s that for a reason?

It’s gorgeous. Still not buying it.

I don’t enjoy competitive multiplayer fps games. How’s that for a reason?

It’s gorgeous. Still not buying it.

I have one good reasons to not buy: I don’t have money. Even for this.

I have one good reasons to not buy: I don’t have money. Even for this.

Don’t be that guy.

This. This so hard my eyes are about to fall out.

I am at a point where if I see the letters S, J, and W being used together unironically, then I read it as a handy shortcut to not waste an ounce of energy on the poster.

*scrolls down list looking for zoolander*

I think the thing that matters most is that FIFA has gotten rid of racism and I can’t be certain that PES has. That’s enough for me!

Nintendo can’t change the IP law, particularly regarding trademarks. If you don’t defend your trademark in the US then you risk losing it completely. So yes, while it’s sad to lose the Metroid 2 remake, Nintendo owns the trademark to Metroid and if they let this slide and another developer (let’s just say Konami fo

All the fan love in the world doesn’t suddenly leave IP laws completely irrelevant. It’s Nintendo’s properties, ultimately—we don’t have a say in how they handle that stuff, no matter how many of their T-shirts and Funko Pops we buy. That doesn’t entitle us to anything.

Yup. Nintendo’s IPs are practically what defines it. It doesn’t make money off console sales and third party titles, we all know that. Nintendo doing this is a smart action and I wish more people understood that instead of immediately defaulting to “but it’s on the internet so everything should be free and

Exactly. It’d be a hell of a thing if Sega was this magnanimous whilst Sonic also happened to be a flagship title, but hey, they’re not and he’s not. Still nice of Sega to give the wink and the nod, however.

I mean, Nintendo still makes great games with it’s properties and Sega hasn’t made a great Sonic game in years.

Although Nintendo taking action against fans suck, you have to admit that Sega has literally nothing to lose with fan games. I mean.... it’s Sega... It’s Sonic....

Dumb to blame them for the l2 button being pressed when you sit the controller down, wanna know how many times I killed the fire keeper in dark souls when I sat the controller down? Is that also square’s fault?

This is a good sign, it shows they care about their game instead of profits and instead of being lazy they’re working so that everyone gets a good experience instead of releasing a literal beta.

That... seems like relatively prudent reasoning for a delay.

*takes Uncharted assets*

Schreier: How has the optimization been going? There’s so much going on and there are so many graphical effects that it must be tough to get a stable framerate on consoles.