
Was it an airfoil?

I think we may have to just disagree here

When the first film came out, I discovered there were people out there who wanted to fuck Pennywise. That’s a level of horror that nothing in the actual films will never be able to beat.

And regarding Citizen Kane, I’ve harbored some doubts over the story of the camera negative being lost in a fire. There are varying reports, some say the fire was in New Jersey in the 70s, others that Orson Welles himself had the camera negative, and lost it in a fire at his home in Spain.

I think the ‘dirt’ that Epstein has/had on high profile people is how he got that ‘resign-now-bait’ deal agreement in 2008. From all appearances, the chickens are coming home to roost on that disgusting man and magic will hopefully not strike twice.

You do know that its gross to cheer on prison rape, right? fucking disgusting. The majority of men in prison are black men in jail, some in for minor crimes, some in for nothing at all. But your dumbass here in cheering for rape.

Upvoted for old-timey call back to notifications. Of which there were seemingly thousands on Community threads.

I don’t know how to feel about a potential Community movie, or the fact that you can hear Troy say, “It’s 2009" at the end of this and dammit we’re all getting so old.

I got a “So, yeah: You got a Community notification for this.” notification for this?

Who knew that that one Community gif could accurately summarize the 2016 election?

Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever

Merely “photorealistic cruddiness” in the headline gave off delightful Jay-Sherman-in-a-bad-mood vibes, and the rest of the article more than lived up to it. Superb pannery.

Me, after reading seven paragraphs full of one excoriating pull-quote after another:

“The demands of action and comedy, however, are apparently much too great a weight for this action-comedy to Lyft.”

I understand why the Toy Story series has not given us a Sid-like look at the room of a Barbie-obsessed little girl whose piles of plastic naked bodies resemble a children’s diorama of Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom, with the Barbies conditioned by the child’s play into having PTSD-infused romantic feelings for each

First off,  it was cocaine not weed.  Second he rattled out everyone including other dealers.  Lastly he is now a right wing asshole who supports government that will continue a useless war on drugs instead of fixing actual issues with addiction.  It’s the hypocrisy that I dislike most.

Technically, this is supposed to be the “ac...

sexy cat!