
"Oh please. it was a tragic event where two people made mistakes."

Never forget:

"It looked very bully-ish; that in itself I had a problem with. Not with the kid, but with whatever happened in his life for him to arrive at a place where that behavior is OK. Why aren't we talking about that?"

"he portrayed a doctor on the Cosby Show and had all of us wearing Coogi sweaters. You've got to respect him. "

I see that the torch has been passed. I was beginning to wonder who would take up the mantle of policing black culture since Cosby lost his credibility.

This is fucking disgusting, and the prosecutor doesn't seem to understand that his continuing to talk IS NOT HELPFUL.

No shitting. As the very close family member of a practicing psychiatrist who occasionally is called to serve as an expert witness, this type is regarded as the lowest of the low. Park Dietz revealed himself to be truly scummy by the time of the Andrea Yates trial, but this dude doesn't even have a 20th of the

No. There was a girl I knew when I was a kid who was severely handicapped. She'd been a strong player on my soccer team, and she always came to team sleepovers and we got along with her really well. She was awesome to be with.

During high school I washed dishes in what passed for a fancy seafood restaurant in my outer-borough neighborhood. The entrees came out with a twice-baked potato and a little mini-bowl of vegetables. The owner instructed us that if potato or vegetable came back untouched we were to give it to the cook so he could

I see what you're saying now. Yes. The article sounds like a white woman writing about the Hottentot Venus. "Black women have inappropriately big asses, Asian women have inappropriately flat asses but white women's asses are just right." Sounds like men talking about penis length and race, if you ask me.

'I've done something wrong and I recognize that and I'm willing to take my licks and deal with it,'

It's possible to love someone deeply, and yet not want to put up with their (most likely unchanging, if addiction related) bullshit for all eternity.

Have there always been this many shitty people in the world? And now they're just letting them become police officers?

Any Ayn Rand books on his bookshelf

I once went out with a guy who said he was a writer, and since I'm also a writer, I asked who some of his favorite authors were. He said,

Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.

When men wear those oversized tank tops where the arm hole goes super low and shows their sides. Especially the homemade from giant t-shirt kind. Pasty side ribcage is not for me.

Whatever the final catalyst is, I'm for it. Fuck their dumbass Quiverfull bullshit up the ziggy with a waa-waa brush.

I hate the blatant classism surrounding Black Friday. We create a culture of Keeping Up with the Joneses, and then mock the people who attempt to buy the things at the only prices the can afford. We criticize the folks forced to choose between having a job and staying home with their family on Thanksgiving for their

I've worked black Fridays at the mall. PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS.