
I think you can be both, especially with a career that spans as long as hers has. But she has not grown into her role, in fact she seems to be devolving. Quite sad. I would like to see more older female role models in the entertainment industry (Betty White anyone). She comes off as nasty and bitter to me. Not

Joan Rivers - Debate

Babies are assholes. It's only fair.

Can I just add the hilarious nugget that pops up when you Google image search Mike Jeffries:

"I am a guy's girl"

I've never watched Nashville. However, I can assume the casting call was "Only Beautiful People need apply". The entire cast looks like models. Chaley Rose is gorgeous.

Rush Limbaugh concern-trolling people for demeaning women. Wheeee.

We're being turned into nothing but abortion machines instead of being nothing but baby-making machines like god intended! Shame on us! Am I reading this right? I wonder how Limbaugh fluent I am.

I think Whose Line fans would appreciate it if he/you/everyone dropped the formal "Charles" he's trying to push nowadays.

I'm so glad that the Soviet Union collapsed 22 years ago so Russians could enjoy all of these new freedoms.

Is it seriously your contention that because she was housed with violent criminals, she is a violent criminal and deserves to be locked up?


OTOH, thousands of people also died horribly. So YMMV?

Saying her statements are "against Russia" rather than "against the Russian government" are probably not a big help to her.

Let me just say: Ha, ha, fuck you, Barilla!

I just sent this off to Sony...

"Detective Inspector Bruce Scott put it this way: "None of the girls have been brave enough (emphasis mine) to make formal statements to us so we can take that to a prosecution stage."

Do you frequently yell at kids to get off your lawn?

I can't with the racism this year. When it is not blackface, it is people going as a chola.

Sometimes folks just need a heads-up. That's what friends are for, right?