
The Times ran a piece on the crime where they delved into the murderer’s background. He’s a rich kid who went to an elite prep school, then joined the army where he seems to have been radicalized. No one in his adult life seems to know much about him because everyone agrees he was too much of a creepy asshole to get

I will read the essay you linked to later, so I’m not sure if it mentions this, but it’s also interesting that the decision to promote the anti-choice movement even more aggressively starting in 1983 was a marketing strategy designed by the evangelicals because they were REALLY upset that Bob Jones University had just

Sometimes too many stars is addition by subtraction, really. Just bad for team chemistry. Gimme a team made of good, solid team guys any day of the week. Some grit, some hustle, some little dudes with big hearts. That’s what makes a great baseball team. Not catering to big egos, not getting a bunch of overpaid stars

kids these days are spoiled. in my day, we had an atari basketball game that consisted of two dudes made of rectangles bouncing a square ball around and heaving it at baskets made of polygons and we loved it.

You haven’t even bought her any committees or spokespersons yet and she’s already five? Christ, dude. Your kid is gonna be so far behind. :(

Scoff if you will, but Fremulon Insurance has been 3.25% more efficient since bringing him on-board (and goodbye to dead weight like that Ken Tremendous slacker). Call him a killjoy if you must, but you will rue the day you crossed him.

they have no idea who lena dunham is. they’ll blame beyonce. (also dunham is kind of a shitlord, although i’d take her over trump nazi zombies.)

i spent 8 years doing social work in rural illinois, so i’ve gotten to know many of these people. (illinois is a blue state only because of chicago. most of the rest of the state is red as bannon’s eyes after a night binging on aristocrat vodka/ephedrine/the turner diaries.) i don’t think this will be as satisfying as

suddenly your iphone will do nothing except endlessly scroll through tumblr

siri, this sentence is false

I am fucking astonished Coach K is on the right side of this. Credit where it’s due.

Yeah, you took that one a bit too far. It was funny up until the bit about the “whale belts.” You leave Vineyard Vines out of this. Really disappointed in you, tbh.

You’re right, of course, and all the bootstrappers below who argue that “No actually McDonalds is a fine employer it was great for me that summer my folks made me get a job,” can choke on goat shit. I think the headline doesn’t match up well with the article, which was really about how for one brief, shining moment

marketing stunt for carl hiaasen’s next book

this 1 is different tho

shut up, she explained

good point. every writer and every commenter on the site is required to feel exactly the same way and so if one jamoke says “oh boo hoo games are too long” no one else is ever allowed to say “this dumb shit they’re doing to try to shorten games is some dumb shit.” moreover, if you ever DO complain that a game is too

Twitter suspended and then reactivated his account. No official rationale for either decision was given by the company.

No need to bother with all that; as Yesha pointed out Twitter reactivated his account within hours of the suspension.