Don’t forget MRA dudes fucking LOVE Ayesha Curry.
Don’t forget MRA dudes fucking LOVE Ayesha Curry.
I’m like 90% sure the part you’re reacting to, old boy, was the set up to the punchline about how no1curr about Curry’s ugly fucking shoes. It was a pretty good joke, as I read it.
“Oh great so I gotta start off extra innings with some dude clogging up the base path in front of my hitters? Not on your life dude.” Dusty Baker
Even decades after retiring, Michael Jeffrey Jordan is still a colder, crueler assassin of Joe Lacob’s feelings than Lebron is at his so called peak, if it can so be called. #taek
I think it’s counterproductive to start with the premise “CNN has to find a way to let her on the air.”
Counterpoint: Fuck anyone who *doesn’t* do dumb, goofy nonsense that occasionally gets swatted right back in their fucking faces when they’re a sophomore in high school. How else do you learn?
I can’t find the one I got for my birthday and I’ve looked up in every tree here in the trailer park :(
You might find this old article interesting, on the beef between DFW and BEaston
I see we are in exact agreement about the relation between Glamorama and LP.
I honestly don’t think he was in any condition to go through a lawsuit when a lawsuit still would have made sense. In addition to the substance abuse and the personal drama, I think he was legit stung by the reception to Glamorama.
“we’re passionate fans!”
Reagan was some kind of weird daemonic force. As far back as the late 60s even Nixon was expending some of his energy making sure Reagan was too distracted by too many wild grail chases to develop tangible national ambitions because he was so scared of him (despite famously considering him “one dumb son of a bitch”).
Like that classic Kanye line
From Fishboy’s concept album, “How We Failed to Save the Lonestar State Through the Power of Rock and Roll”
exactly how now is soon, bro
Yeah, I remember Hall and Carter getting traded for Sutcliffe, who went on to bring vertiginous highs and hellish lows.
Well jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick, another distraction?
I liked the craziness, tbh. It was one of the most uneven books I’ve ever read—probably because Beaston was vacillating between coke and smack at the time which seems to make for a pretty bumpy ride. I thought the basic A story of a spoiled brat with a father so ruthless he hires an agency to kidnap him, replace him…
“I sold half of it to Tomsula, which was pure profit.”
Yes. When a “Caller at Boost Mobile” shows up on your caller ID you know it’s the Knicks and you do not pick up.