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All those “problematic friends” you have who really mean well and are “just trollin’,” and even though they sometimes say some deliberately crass things and love the faux racism and funny bigotry of South Park and Family Guy? Yeah, fuck those people.

too soon, dude

Same. But this feels way more fun.

I have loved Lebron since he was a senior in high school. I was going through this terrible period of clinical depression, and I was watching a press conference Bron was holding (because the dude was a fucking senior in high school and already national news) and one of the reporters asked him this really smug, gotcha

I’m not sure how old you are, but here is why the 1992 Dream Team was a fucking abomination (imho):

Did you know the Fibonacci sequence can be used to convert kilometers to miles? That is one of two things Lifehacker has taught me that I actually think about. I also think about Scocca’s classic “You are going to have two drinks at the party,” post, although I usually think about this sometime around drink number

To be fair, Goldman Sachs is loath to make any big commitments right now until they find out which other key people are going to be tapped for Kommissarship. They’ll be in a better position to make deals when the details of their minority ownership position over the US are finalized.

A David Hyde Pierce movie, The Perfect Host. It’s creeeeeeepy.

I know 30 Helens agree that love hurts....but on what issue did you manage to pick up 9 extra Helens pray tell

def not allowed in the clubhouse and banned from wearing duke gear around campus for, like, a week. a week *minimum*

I dunno, friend, I mean you got women running around these days heads full of ideas and then you also got this certain type, this certain element, playing basketball, and, I mean, I just don’t know.

Should also add: nice use of a semicolon in an article title, Draper, you magnificent bastard.

I’m enough of a word nerd I sometimes remember exactly where I learned a particular word. I learned “obstreperous” when I read Catch 22 the summer I turned 15. That was also the summer I used “obstreperous” at every opportunity—in telling off my parents, when bullshitting with teammates on baseball bus rides, placing

woah i tried to star this post and kinja took a star away instead!

This is all very unfair to poor Sage Steele. She makes it clear it’s not herself she’s worried about—it’s all the OTHER flyers (some of them immigrants too, by golly by gum!) who were being inconvenienced for whom Sage Steele’s heart wept. And all because some untidy and obstreperous liberals got a little upset about

2 truelly skilled 2 chill

Ah! Gotcha! Thanks for being patient.

some dude named @gehrig 38 has a few hawt taeks