
Lmao. So everyone should just forget all the illegal shit he’s done because a single military operation went well and an opposition member quit? What’s pathetic is you thinking this will draw our attention away from this lying shitbag you support. Impeachment is coming... get off the tracks while you can chump.

Lol trump personally killed him while he was playing golf as the raid was going on? Lol what a loser 

Yeah, that was not this.  Try as the might.

Is Melanie’s dumb ass waving at the Jumbotron?

Regardless of the outcome of the Series, the Nats fans are the winners.

Trump wasn’t the only boob at the game.

He himself said that President Obama shouldn't have received any credit for Bin Laden. Why should President Trump get credit for golfing while this was happening?

I read a tweet from earlier today that the whole plan to bring mini-vans full of veterans with him was just so nobody would boo him when he was pictured on the Jumbotron. Apparently he requested they not announce him at all. Donny Boy doesn’t feel so confident when he can’t pack the stands with his sycophants.

A crowd has to be pretty loud to be clearly heard like that.... Sounds like more than 50% of people in that stadium does not like him or the other republicans.

On today of all days, the day when he went on international television and bragged about how amazing he is. Ends the day with Americans booing him and wanting him thrown in jail.

Y’know, I was having a very good day, until I read this.

I’m surprised he even bothered at all, because his normal SOP is to only go to public events that are basically arranged and controlled by him and his party. He can’t stand the idea that he’s unpopular, and it’s easiest for him to maintain the illusion by only ever going to his own personal self-esteem rallies.

Out of his safe little rally bubble. Yes, you’re universally loathed. 

This warms my heart.

See Donnie! This is what a crowd looks like.

He looks like a fucking toddler about to cry.  The most fucking pathetic individual to ever hold the office.

Crowd seeing veterans: Yaaaay!
Crowd seeing Trump: Boooo-
Producer: “Cut back to the fucking vets!”
Crowd seeing veterans: -ooo... Yaaaay!

The vindication of Washington sports fans.

Of course people are gonna make positive reviews of something they got to see early. That’s how that works.