
I’d recommend it, maybe a 7/10. I didn’t see Bohemian Rhapsody but I did see an advanced screening of Rocketman. Other than the over use of jarring transitions, the camera work was fine. Since the songs weren’t dubbed, I liked the numbers that were sung by the adult “Elton” more than those sung by his child self.


Fooking cunt

We’ve performed crash tests with motorcycles. You need to attach a tether to the crash dummy to limit how far it flies.

You first.

So your solution to this mistake would be to go back in time and have it not happen.

But I couldn’t help feeling that this was a lazy apology.

Of course I read the owners manual. My wife doesn't, but I do. She doesn't know what half the buttons in her car do, but she knows she can ask me.

Bernie is the Pat Buchanan of this election.

Who told you to believe that?

I worked in a union shop for awhile.

Options are limited in a town of a couple hundred people.

Mine does not.

I, too, have the advantage of low housing cost. The downsides are, of course, it won’t be worth a ton when I sell it and my mortgage was so low I didn’t really notice it when it was gone.

Good advice.

Sez who?

mourning deuce

Sauerkraut balls with horseradish dip.

I made dill spears fried in corn dog batter. They were a hit.

So no potato salad?

It’s a slippery slope to make past judgement a prerequisite for voting.