
She said this was nothing more than young people wearing “a bunch of red, white and blue, supporting their president.

I don’t disagree that politicians aren’t necessarily bright. I’ve spent too much time on the Hill to be deluded on that point.

But like any other professional, experienced politicians can be very. very good at politics. Not always (many are, essentially, gifted a safe district), but sometimes. I think Pelosi happens to



When you say “Canadian bacon” I can only assume you mean American Canadian Bacon (which is, essentially, smoked ham). Actual Canadian bacon is peameal bacon, and I assure you that pizza joints in the States aren’t using that.

Are any of those guys around anymore?

Most people who have devoted their lives to public service are not in the military. These people serve our country every day, knowing that a political party and their followers shits on their service. Scientists, teachers, garbage men, heavy machinery operators, accountants - almost every conceivable profession has

Yes, it can be confusing that this has spanned two Congresses, so anything prior to January 3 is now moot.

No one is paid until/if Congress appropriates the funds.

Yes, Senator Warren attempted to use said DNA to gain preferential treatment.

From your link:

I’m not sure you have the support for driving people out of their health insurance policies for some government-run system. But allowing people to buy into the government system as an option I think is more palatable.

Make it a public option. Let’s see if corporate insurance can compete.

Pixels cost more off-hours.

We are talking about providing medical care for people.

You say that as if there isn’t a damn list of reasons to impeach Trump.

That sweet pension went away in 1987.

Like any other tax, only a portion of it can and will be passed to consumers, depending on the market elasticity for that good/service and other factors.

Yes, it does work pretty good. The game also “loads” instantly, which is neat.