
That’s Far Cry.

In Far Cry 5, you were to blame. You didn’t think you were the good guy, did you? Were you the good guy in Far Cry 2? 3? 4?

What makes you think the women are the protagonists?

Who do you think is the protagonist and who is the villain on that cover?

Same gameplay. Oh, they’ll add a couple things, remove a couple others. If you like Far Cry games, you’ll like it. If not, then you won’t like it.

On Far Cry game covers, the antagonist is the one looking at you, while he subjugates you or your ally. So those black women are the enemy that you’re out to kill.

When I owe you $130, I have a problem.

If you pick up your monitor and shake it really fast, it's kinda 3D.

I absolutely do believe that Trump would pee on the subway.

That, and gassing women and children. I hear we’re doing that now, too.

Nope. I’ll disagree with you on this.

The rules don’t reference relationships. Only sex.

Let’s talk to some jackasses in a truck stop or two-bit diner. Maybe we can figure out what the fuck is wrong with them.

Good enough is good enough.

I’m going to guess that it comes with Goodyear tires that are designed for efficiency and not performance.

Yes, taking a press pass from one jackass does mean that this administration does not believe in freedom of the press.

Depends on what you're driving, and where.

It really depends on the vehicle and the typical route or use.

Either you pick the most accomplished person to lead, or you don’t.

If you're ordering it, pronounce it correctly. If not, who gives a fuck? When offered a choice of ranch or blue cheese with my buffalo wings, I don't respond with, "the fuck is wrong with you people?" Even though that's the correct response, I'm nice and shit.