
My son is nonverbal and uses an iPad to communicate.

Bring dumb about gun safety means he should never be able to own a gun. He could have hurt someone else.

Safety isn't in Tex's vocabulary.

I hear the judge is all bark and no bite.

In a sane world, Tex Gilligan would lose all his firearms and forfeit and right to ever own another. It takes a total dipshit to transport a loaded shotgun.

That money doesn’t buy you clean air, though. Buildings four miles away are almost completely obscured by smog. Yuck.

Easily the worst part of the video. Cray-zee. That’s bonkers.

Why the fuck would you cut a pizza into squares unless you’re serving it at a kids birthday party?

They lifted a fingerprint off one of the bombs, and this dude was in the database.

No, I think he means there’s more than likely a bowl in that thing.

He’s absolutely wrong that SI units are more “accurate” than USC units. Units don’t confer accuracy.

I noticed that in Chicago, too. I joked with a cop that they drive with their horns just like in NYC. Then, when I was leaving the city, I ended up laying on my horn like a local because others were driving like dipshits.

Tiling is simple. No need to hire someone for this.

Tiling is simple. No need to hire someone for this.

I’m with Stang. I buy cars new and keep them for a dozen years and a quarter million miles. Unreliable cars are of no use to me.



Now I want to know what’s wrong with your hair.

Are you sure Libby Watson isn't also Tomato?

My dog often gets a drink at 2am.

Campus police often have the same training and authority as municipal police.