
Government affairs or trade.

At least she wiped. She’s not a total animal.

If the key is just 3ft from the vehicle, it cannot tell if the key is outside or inside.

Once a car becomes unreliable; when I can’t trust it to work, then it loses its value to me.

You’re wrong. People have accidently left their cars running with physical keys.

Only if people don’t switch carriers from AT&T to another mega-corp.

Cultural activities of a large city, low cost-of-living, unlikely to suffer major environmental disaster, located within 500 miles of half the North American population, located on the shore of a freshwater sea.

I was ready to be upset, too.

Need to elect Democrats for that to happen.

Considering that he created a shell company to administer a contract that used fictitious names, “funneled” sounds benign.

in installments

Yeah. That’s on me.

I’m just going to assume that was a bad photo of her and that she doesn’t normally look like a dorky vampire.

Don Jr fucking Tweeted evidence of collusion. It’s not a matter of there not being collusion. It’s a matter of cataloging it all and the other associated crimes (conspiracy, felony election fraud, money laundering, graft and bribery, etc.). Donald Trump is the most famously corrupt businessmen in the United States.

We know.
In this case, though, it looks like Melinda copied the FTC rather than Michelle.


You gotta strengthen that immune system somehow.

A little less rapey than summer camp, but yeah. Summer camp.

Kasich is a hard right conservative. The GOP has shifted into full-blown radicalism.