Radishes and kohlrabi.
Radishes and kohlrabi.
Melania is lots of things. Home-wrecking gold digger, for one.
There is.
I liked the “good” ending, but loved the “bad” one. The I’m-still-brainwashed end had a very Twilight Zone feel to it.
There are ICBM silos in the game.
But think about how much cooler it could’ve been if you had been given consistent hints that there was something else going on in the world outside...
Many years ago we refinanced our home from a 30-yr mortgage to a 12-year (banks can set whatever term you like - you’re not limited to what they put in the newspaper).
Ah, the ol’ you-can’t-sue-me-because-I’m-guilty ploy. Brilliant!
They should be forced to perform community service in exchange for those tax breaks.
Push it all around the store full, but can’t be arsed to push it a few feet empty.
There are a lot of white people who are racist.
What you don’t understand is that rich people work harder when you grant them more money but poor people get lazier.
I have the feeling that you could put welfare recipients in the roles of corporate CEO and they would do a fine job - perhaps better than those who currently occupy those jobs.
Signed by the laziest fuck ever to be President.
I have malt vinegar on my dining room table, but I’ll give you tartar sauce. Even better: asiago peppercorn dressing. Next level: Arby’s horsey sauce.
There are missile silos in the game.
See? Now these are good suggestions.
That’s what I do.
Should the NYT (and subsequently the WP) have not published the Pentagon Papers?