
There is no law that mandates that weapons be properly stored.
There is no law that mandates that all gun owners pass a comprehensive gun safety test.
There is no law that holds a gun owner responsible for damages if someone else uses their weapon recklessly.

For me, it’s not the look it’s the feel.

If everyone’s a terrorist, then there’s no one to terrorize and thus, no terrorism.

“ these places are targeted because no one can defend themselves “

No you don’t.

The Russians weren’t supporting Hillary. They were afraid of her.

They had Christie, who actually has executive experience, but got rid of him because he jailed Jared’s corrupt father. But you’re right - they don’t have anyone who’d I’d trust to tile my bathroom floor, let alone run the country.

1.) If people retain contraband, then they are criminals and can face legal consequences if caught.

You make an excellent argument for banning gun ownership.

Keeps lying on the forms.

He brings absolutely nothing to the table.

One can turn a pretty dollar selling state secrets.

No, it is not normal.

A spinach salad is much more likely to kill you than a PopTart is.

No need to appear overtly partisan as a writer, and that information will be well-covered in the comments.

George Washington used to get drunk off his ass at the King St taverns.

60% of what she did was sitting at a keyboard.

My plan is to re-enact the assault weapons ban.

I’ve been (moderately) poor and (moderately) rich.

Do we really have to water the tree of Liberty with the blood of our children?