
Do we really have to water the tree of Liberty with the blood of our children?

Hey, can we get rid of bump stocks?

Nothing a Lysol wipe can’t handle.

A brand new Alfa is less reliable than a 19-year-old Volkswagen.

Doubles as sustainable, green storage.

Doubles as sustainable, green storage.

A lot of manufacturers are adding “gear” shudder to their CVTs so they feel and sound like an automatic changing gears. It’s unnecessary and, to me, is less desirable than the smooth and steady acceleration of a powerful engine coupled with a sturdy CVT.

A hundred and fifty bucks, huh?

A hundred and fifty bucks, huh?

This is why when some white folks go to the “Well, the rappers say it, why can’t I?” defense for saying the n-word...

The poor cow got t-boned.

A doctor’s note is pretty damn meaningless anymore. Anyone can get one for anything.

That’s sports.

Squeeze their hand and pretend you’re doing that for them.

It’s not the temperature. It’s the wind.

But is the idea that someone could be psychic contradictory to the laws of physics? no.

It’s difficult to determine just how true this story is...

Anything that’ll get someone back and forth to work is worth $2k.

Conway brings nothing to the table.

He took credit for the lack of commercial airline crashes, so I blame him for the uptick in the untimely deaths of coal miners.

You’re only exaggerating a little (the median household income in New Miami is $39k). Still, I have little sympathy for those who want outsiders to pay for their village police, and other services.