
She has a learning disorder and never could excel in the professional world.

Foam mattresses that get mailed to you are the best.

She could be the learning disabled accountant.

So you’re not stealing if you’re a professional thief?

Yes. Which is why I really dislike the term. It implies that someone like my son will get better. He’s not going to get better.

I did some research and there doesn’t appear to be a Tweet button on that site.

You mean that same system that I have to click through a statement that says there is no expectation of privacy every damn time I log in?


My money is on Jay-Z given how a skinny little kid took the Z-man to the ground with ease the last time he wanted to rumble.

Given all the rule changes in recent years to give a clear advantage to the offense and, in particular, receivers. I’m okay with this.

The tree we put up was bought by my parents before 1980. It may not look like much, but we put lights and ornaments on the thing and it’s fine.

Donald Trump is racial, but he is not a racist.

He should immediately be banned from all firearm ownership, and have all firearms in his home confiscated. People like this need to lose their access to firearms. Period.

Why would they do this? Do they think they’re being funny?

If a pizza can be a fucking pie, then a hot dog can be a sandwich if it wants.

His entitled spawn might cure cancer. Everything you’ve accomplished in life has depended on others. Just the ability to type this message was made possible by the work of tens of thousands of people, some of whom have already shuffled off this mortal coil.

Good questions. I would imagine that, like now, the estate would sell assets on the open market to acquire the funds to pay its taxes. The US Government prefers fungible assets, because they appropriate money on an annual basis.

Well, when you explain it like that, it all makes sense.

My point is that it’s political and societal, not particularly based on the economic system of capitalism.

Why deny them the dignity of work, if you love them?