
You’re welcome!!!!

Perhaps Wranglers would have gone better at the ball park than these Mom jeans, but you get the point.

Bowling ball tacks.

jeans are beneath the dignity of the office

Sideways? That’s when things start getting good.

I’ll be the family of out-of-town tourists. Just keep don’t touch me Elmo away from me. The girls with their tits covered in paint are cool, though.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that I didn’t see that coming.

Where the fuck are the drowning Nazis and Klansmen?

That’s good bass.

The part that’s within fifty miles of Lake Erie is wholly different than the rest of the state.

Baby-brained would be more fitting.

Because he hasn’t played Mad Max yet.

But pray during the national anthem and folks will get very angry with you.

That would be lesson one: don’t walk around with a loaded weapon.

That’s just basic gun safety.

If Cohn wasn’t half a man, he’d have quit already.

Black Lives Matter message: please don’t kill us

We now know how little savvy is required to become an Ohio Supreme Court Justice.

No one likes a lich, Dubya.

Spreadsheets. The silent killer.