
Son, I’ve been a fan a full decade longer than you. Your hope for a mediocre year is pollyannish. Anything over four wins this year will be gravy.

It’s easy to root for a winner.

Like we need you to tell us why our team sucks.

In that case you’re going to have to define “usage.”

The problem is that they were playing in Wanda. Wanda doesn’t know shit.

If more people die from car crashes than guns per year, then the rate of deaths from car crashes per year is higher than that of guns.

I order over medium and will accept everything from sunny-side up to over hard. It’s an egg, not the Mona Lisa.

Private insurance companies sure do suck, don’t they?

For 2014 it was $95 pp (I’m stating adult penalty, children always half).

Who cares about scratches on a brown, diesel station wagon?

That was my point.

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

No. The design of a retractable leash is inherently more complex and less robust than that of a simple leash.

You can’t say you weren’t told.

Retractable leashes are much more susceptible to breaking.

I’m disappointed. I thought he hired this guy.

He seems like the kind of guy who’d shoot you if you tried to take his guns.

Given how the superintendent rolled over for this piece of garbage, you’re right that any whistle-blowing teacher would have been retaliated against.