
Hydrogen loves to leak and has a low energy density.

I have the feeling that if you bought a used Honda Fit, it would take the crown for the most reliable car you’ve ever owned.


It’s my armrest.

“Aren’t there open seats in the back?”

This is a jewel:

Yup. I had an 89 Probe. White with blue interior.

Silver doesn’t show dirt as quickly as most other colors.

The music didn’t help much.

Now playing

Which world leader would you like to go to a nightclub with?

He said F!

After a few too many Red Stripes I started to think that I could try my hand at cliff diving at Rick’s Cafe. So I understand the bottled courage/stupidity all too well.

So would a bicycle.

They had a book of custom parts.

Don’t have a fit. He just missed the pun.

I did some product design, too. You can bet that every wear item was some bastard size that only we had for sale. We’d happily sell you a penny o-ring for $1, plus $2.50 handling and shipping.