
Day One he yelled lies at the press and took no quesitons.

Aerospace engineer - did pretty good in college, took shop classes in high school.

My local government just charges you $200 a day if you don’t mow it within a week of receiving notice (and by receiving notice, they mean they put a sign in your yard).

Money and/or blackmail.

So you can collude with the Russians without that pesky press finding out.

Counterpoint: it’s illegal as fuck.

You know they’ll argue that LBJ took more games to outscore MJ, ignoring both that, well, he played more playoff games and he’s not a scorer like MJ.

A flat tax ignores the decreasing marginal value of money.

He threw it to the guy who was wide open.

You’ve never tried it.

And I’ll go with “Republican Party.”



It is purported that the base of these statues housed either small artillery cannons or revolving gun turrets. In a time of crisis, the story goes, the statues could be broken away in order to reveal the artillery which in turn could be used to defend the Federal Reserve against unruly mobs. Other hidden gun ports

Spanked my ass and left that impression.

Your version is more concise and doesn’t suffer from pseudo-economic sophistry.

Like Clackers, only less annoying. Or lawn Jarts, without the impalement anticipation.

Like Clackers, only less annoying. Or lawn Jarts, without the impalement anticipation.

+1 Squier

Use the top of their seat to help you stand up. Oh, short people love that!

It kinda fits, though.