Grilled fruits and vegetables taste great. Next time you’re grilling steaks or burgers, grill some peppers and onions. Maybe peaches.
Grilled fruits and vegetables taste great. Next time you’re grilling steaks or burgers, grill some peppers and onions. Maybe peaches.
Ooooohhhh. Who put dat der?
Ajit Pai would fail Econ 101.
The ISP business is not a free market.
You see all of these with drivers who are learning.
Who says street performance art isn’t a bargain?
Noted in literally the first sentence...
FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out.
I’m surprised that someone didn’t offer you $5 to have their picture taken with you.
He may be a closet something-or-other, but he’s pretty blatant about his racism and zealotry.
I’d love the Boston, Msaeachubaets one.
THE POOR ARE POOR BECAUSE OF BAD DECISIONS THEY MAKE - this is true in over 90% of the cases. I’m 30000$ + 2400$ poorer because of the bad choice to help out my hippie ass staff member.
What if the restaurant you invested in closes? You just most of your initial investment. So yes, the capital gains tax encourages some investment.
I’ve gone out to dinner several times with female colleagues while on business travel. It’s almost as if people can have integrity and the trust of their spouses (both my wife’s and their husband’s).
If people want Democrats to fix their problems, they have to vote for Democrats first.
Robert Kraft is wearing $20 tennis shoes with his suit?
I know people who had it worse that turned out better.
So they were deported not for being undocumented, but for being criminals with green cards?
What a polarizing response.