
Venezuela is embarking on a nationwide war on obesity.

Wear a Canadian lapel pin.

Another brow-furrowing moment, “Pittsburg!, Pittsburgh!”

To be fair, I felt the same way when Maria Bartiromo had to interject with her brilliant observation that cruise missiles are unmanned.

Humble? Fuck that. I’m proud and unashamed.

Any woodworker will tell you you’re crazy for going out and buying a coffee table when you can make one yourself a lot cooler with a few hand tools and some wood

I’m confused by the title and the picture of the guy in a dress.

A brown diesel Miata wagon.

The most common point of failure is the person driving the car.

When has any state failed to abuse the power it was granted or has assumed for itself?

Seriously. Don’t.

That piece of airline property is sitting on a piece of public property, traverses through another public domain, and settles onto another piece of public property.

The airports they land at are ours. The air traffic controllers they depend on are ours.

I’m inclined to believe this because 15 plus years of negative press and sentiment about airlines and airports has done little to reduce people’s usage of said things.

Both. A soda might be 4 Euro, where a glass of wine might be 3.50.

Lawsuits aren’t a problem - just tell the truth.



It would be an undisclosed lien against the property. Title insurance would probably cover the loss-of-use.