
The old AMC postal jeeps - any GM key of the same vintage would work.

If that were my truck, I’d be upset.

It is now.

These are the terrorists that threaten American lives. Not Syrian refugees.

This guy.

I stayed in a cabin at Signal Mountain. Took a boat out onto Jackson Lake. It was gorgeous.

He also ran a casino into the ground. A casino. A place where people, quite literally, come in and give you money.

Or you could buy or build a PC with better hardware components than are available from Apple and have it outlast a Mac.

That’s Thermodynamics 101.

Too hard to catch.

Agreed, but the cop had ample opportunity to give the guy some room and chose not to for some reason. Pretty much everyone’s an asshole, including the guy on the motorcycle and the Accord driver coming up much too fast on slow, merging traffic.


I have known exactly one adult who ate their steak well-done and with ketchup.

You’re right. I do that right after I use them. They I rinse, dry, and put away.

Blenders and food processors are dead easy to clean.

When a guest is asked a yes or no question and his answer doesn’t begin with one of those two words, he should be cut off and talked over.

I’m sorry for your family’s burden.

The penis makes all the difference.

I bet he is.

It’s cruel to give the corner wino a shirt like that.