For those who love Ender’s Game (like me) here’s another book that I’ve worn the cover off of you may like.
For those who love Ender’s Game (like me) here’s another book that I’ve worn the cover off of you may like.
Can the overalls be used?
A normal, functioning adult could write his own Executive Orders, especially when there’s already a template and an office within the Dept of Justice whose job it is to review such things for form and legality.
He’s already squirreling away money and setting up his next campaign.
The President can always write new ones.
I would be.
Half of those I wouldn’t even wear on vacation.
Draco Fierce - halfling fighter/thief
But on the back roads it can get to driving speed two seconds faster. Two seconds!
I’m resigned to just sending Portman sarcastic Tweets. Like the President.
Call and passing play of approximately ten yards a “spider 2 Y banana.”
Everyone knows cyclists ALWAYS have the right of way.
Spacecraft and aircraft are pretty much “driven” autonomously. The most dangerous parts are when there’s a monkey in the loop.
Cars don’t pay for roads. People do.
“...promote our agenda.”
I, and another family, live in a middle-class suburb and each have children with autism and developmental disabilities.
Guilty as charged.
I’d give them a participation ribbon, yes.